The first step on the road to recovery from any addiction is that of acceptance. To accept that we have taken the wrong path or made bad decisions can be extremely hard and painful for us and as a result reaching out and admitting that we need help is a step that requires immense strength and great courage.
The first step on the road to recovery from any addiction is that of acceptance.
To accept that we have taken the wrong path or made bad decisions can be extremely hard and painful for us and as a result reaching out and admitting that we need help is a step that requires immense strength and great courage.
The problem with acceptance is that when we become addicted to any substance / activity we will often seek to rationalise our behaviour and negative actions with affirming statements that we can simply make up to suit our own needs. Unfortunately, these are rarely true and over time only exacerbate the problem.
“I only use it when I really need it and it helps me calm down”
When we finally do admit that we have a problem it is often sparked by traumatic events forcing us to realise the seriousness of the situation and so it is common that we sometimes have to reach our lowest ebb before we can begin to pick ourselves back up.
As with any journey the first step is both the most important and also the hardest one to take.
Whilst detoxing will cut the physical ties of the addiction, therapy will help to expose emotional ties that we are either unaware of or have simply tried to hide from.
As therapy helps you explore these questions, you begin to understand the addiction. With understanding comes both acceptance and clarity.
Not only clarity of who we are and why we have chosen the paths we have, but also clarity of who we want to be and what we want to achieve.
When you see where you want to be then achievable goal setting can help you visualise how to get there whilst removing any of the negative mental pathways and defining your new normal.
Puzzled counselling offers a safe and secure space free of any judgement or stigma in which you can truly explore all emotions both the good and the painful.
However, if coming to therapy is still a prospect that you feel you are not ready for then there are always people to talk to that can be there to listen in times of need:
115 123
24/7 helpline for anyone who needs to talk.
0800 9177 650
0300 123 6600
Free confidential drugs information and advice
0808 8020 133
The National Gambling Helpline gives confidential information, advice and support for anyone affected by gambling problems in England, Scotland and Wales.
0300 123 3393
The Mind Infoline offers thousands of callers confidential help on a range of mental health issues
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